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Interzero Webinars in January

Interzero Webinars in January: EPR Compliance in Focus on January 21, 2025

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to prepare for upcoming challenges and focus on important topics. In the area of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in Europe, there will also be many innovations and requirements in 2025 that affect companies. In this article, we present two particularly exciting webinars. Find out more about the content below and how you can specifically expand your knowledge in the area of EPR in order to successfully meet the challenges and turn them into opportunities.

Go Circular 2025 – PPWR And Beyond: Eco-Fee Modulation For Sustainable Packaging

The PPWR (Packaging, Packaging Waste Regulation), a specific EU regulation for reducing packaging waste and increasing the recyclability of packaging, was adopted last year and is now coming into force. That is why we aim to give you a closer look at how the regulation is implemented in practice in this free webinar. With the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), the European Union has set ambitious goals for the circular economy, particularly for the integration of recycled materials in packaging. In this webinar, leading experts will discuss how companies can implement these goals in practice.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Insights into PPWR requirements and their impact on the packaging industry
  • Examples of best practices in implementing recycling targets in companies
  • The role of ecologically modulated royalties as an important lever for sustainable packaging design

Webinar details at a glance:

Date: January 21, 2025
Time: 12:00
Language: English
Cost: free

Join us on January 21, 2025 at 12 noon and start the year 2025 well informed!

The new Battery Regulation 2025

In our free webinar, you will learn what changes the new Battery Regulation 2025 will bring and what obligations this will entail for manufacturers and retailers. We will highlight the most important requirements and show practical solutions for efficiently implementing legal requirements. Prepare for the new regulations now and ensure your compliance!

Webinar Highlights:

  • Obligations and requirements for manufacturers and online retailers
  • Overview of the innovations in the Battery Regulation 2025
  • Tips for ensuring legal compliance
  • Practical solutions for implementing the new requirement

Webinar details at a glance:

Date: January 21, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Language: German
Cost: free

About Interzero:

Interzero is one of the leading service providers for closing product, material and logistics cycles and an innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions”, the company supports over 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible handling of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources. With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases and 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials compared to primary production in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at .

Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



    neue führungsstruktur interzero; kroker; vogel; wegener

    Interzero starts the new year with new leadership: Jan Kroker takes over as CEO of the group

    Der Kreislaufwirtschaftsdienstleister Interzero stellt sein Führungsteam auf Holding-Ebene neu auf und wird seit Januar europaweit von einem Führungstrio aus CEO, CFO und CIO geleitet. Jan Kroker ist neuer CEO, Yi Guo tritt als CFO an, Claudia Wegener übernimmt Posten als CIO. Beiratsmitglied Peter Vogel bekleidet bis zum Eintritt von Yi Guo CFO-Posten interimistisch.


    Berlin/Köln. Interzero steht für internationale „zero waste solutions“ – für eine Welt ohne Abfall. Im internationalen Kontext wird es für Unternehmen immer relevanter, grenzüberschreitend Synergien zu nutzen und Geschäftsaktivitäten zu verzahnen. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat Interzero eine einheitliche, gruppenweite Unternehmensführung aus CEO, CFO und CIO für ganz Europa etabliert. Jan Kroker, Yi Guo und Claudia Wegener haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Position des Kreislaufwirtschaftsdienstleisters in einem wettbewerbsorientierten europäischen Umfeld weiter zu stärken.

    Kreislaufwirtschaft darf kein nationales Thema sein. Um die Internationalisierung unseres Unternehmens und die Zusammenarbeit entlang der Wertschöpfungskette über Ländergrenzen und Unternehmensbereiche hinweg zu intensivieren, stellen wir Interzero international konsequent einheitlich auf. Die neue Führung der gesamten Unternehmensgruppe wird sich darauf fokussieren, Interzeros Vision einer Welt ohne Abfall strategisch und operativ weiter voranzutreiben, sodass wir die Kreislaufwirtschaft gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden und Partnern international weiterhin entscheidend mitgestalten“, so Dr. Axel Schweitzer, Chairman und Gesellschafter von Interzero.

    Der Fokus des Unternehmens liegt auch zukünftig darauf, nachhaltige Kreislauflösungen umzusetzen und als Experte für innovatives Kunststoffrecycling dafür Sorge zu tragen, immer mehr Wertstoffe vor der Verbrennung zu retten und Ressourcen zu schonen. Digitale Lösungen sind dabei immer häufiger ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg, Kreislauflösungen effizient zu organisieren. Aus diesem Grund wurde das Thema Digitalisierung fest in der Unternehmensführung verankert und wird zukünftig von Claudia Wegener in ihrer Rolle als CIO verantwortet.

    Das Führungsteam im Überblick

    Jan Kroker, seit Januar CEO von Interzero, hat zuvor den Kunststoffrecyclingbereich des Kreislaufwirtschaftsdienstleisters verantwortet. Jan Kroker kommt aus der Chemiebranche und hatte vor seiner Zeit bei Interzero Führungspositionen bei KCA Deutag und BASF inne.

    Yi Guo wechselt als CFO von der ALBA Group Asia zu Interzero. Nach Stationen bei der DZ Bank und der HSH Nordbank (heute Hamburg Commercial Bank AG) wechselte er Anfang 2016 zur ALBA Group. Zuletzt verantwortete er als Finanzchef der ALBA Group Asia die Bereiche Strategie, Finanzen und Recht und gehörte seit 2023 zum Management der Interzero Holding.

    Bis zum Eintritt von Yi Guo übernimmt Peter Vogel als CFO interimsweise die Verantwortung für den Finanzbereich. Er war über zehn Jahre für verschiedene Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften tätig, bis er 2010 für die ALBA Group in die Recyclingwirtschaft wechselte und von 2017 bis 2022 dort CFO war. Seit Februar 2023 ist Peter Vogel Mitglied des Beirats von Interzero.

    Claudia Wegener bringt über zehn Jahre Expertise in der IT und Digitalisierungsprozessen mit. Ihre Erfahrungen sammelte sie unter anderen bei der Deutschen Telekom, bevor sie seit 2019 den erfolgreichen Onlineshop für Verpackungslizenzierung, Lizenzero, aufgebaut und geführt hat. Seit Januar 2025 ist sie als CIO für die IT-Infrastruktur sowie alle digitalen Prozesse der Interzero-Gruppe verantwortlich.

    Über Interzero:

    Interzero ist einer der führenden Dienstleister rund um die Schließung von Produkt-, Material- und Logistikkreisläufen sowie Innovationsführer im Kunststoffrecycling mit der größten Sortierkapazität Europas. Unter dem Leitgedanken „zero waste solutions“ unterstützt das Unternehmen über 50.000 Kunden europaweit beim verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Wertstoffen und hilft ihnen so, ihre eigene Nachhaltigkeitsleistung zu verbessern und Primärressourcen zu schonen. Mit rund 2.000 Mitarbeiter*innen erzielt das Unternehmen einen Umsatz von über einer Milliarde Euro (2021). Durch die Recyclingaktivitäten von Interzero konnten laut Fraunhofer UMSICHT allein im Jahr 2023 1,2 Millionen Tonnen Treibhausgase und 11,1 Millionen Tonnen Primärrohstoffe gegenüber der Primärproduktion eingespart werden. Als Vorreiter für zirkuläre Wirtschaft ist Interzero Träger des Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises 2024 sowie dem zugehörigen Sonderpreis im Transformationsfeld „Ressourcen“. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.interzero.at.

    Mehr erfahren Sie in unsere aktuellen Broschüre zu “resources SAVED by recycling



      Webinar EPR Trends EU

      Interzero Webinar - Annual Outlook 2025: EPR Trends and Developments

      In our free webinar “Annual Outlook for 2025: EPR Trends and Developments” we focus on the key trends and developments that await us in 2025 in the area of extended producer responsibility (EPR). We will examine the most important legislative changes and their impact on companies and industries. We will also take a look back at the most important EPR events and developments of 2024.

      Webinar Highlights:

      • EPR law changes: New rules and their significance for companies.
      • Outlook for 2025: Key trends and expected developments.
      • Annual Review: EPR Trends and Developments 2024

      Join us on December 19, 2024 at 10 a.m. and start the year 2025 well informed!

      About Interzero:

      Interzero is one of the leading service providers for closing product, material and logistics cycles and an innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions”, the company supports over 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible handling of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources. With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases and 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials compared to primary production in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at .

      Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



        start-up beratung epr interzero

        Cooperation with Clever Clover: Interzero offers free circular economy consulting for start-ups

        With a special start-up package, Interzero supports young companies in their brand entry in Austria. In cooperation with the FMCG accelerator Clever Clover, headed by Heinrich Prokop, the circular economy provider offers tailor-made services – from consulting to packaging development to waste management. For start-ups, the consulting is free of charge in the first year.

        Vienna, 2. Dezember 2024 – Start-ups that want to bring their products to market in Austria are faced with a complex network of guidelines and legal regulations. EU-wide requirements such as the PPWR (Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation) and local regulations not only define what the packaging for each product must be like, but also require correct licensing before it can be put into circulation.

        Tailor-made sustainability services enable smooth market entry

        In cooperation with the FMCG accelerator Clever Clover, led by investor and start-up expert Heinrich Prokop, the circular economy service provider Interzero now offers tailor-made services to support young companies in entering the market. These range from consulting services with regard to the design and recyclability of sustainable product packaging to the development and use of recycled formulations to correct discharge of obligations and finally tailor-made waste management solutions for waste generated . “In Austria, a large number of start-ups with really ambitious founders are entering the market – from within Austria as well as from abroad. However, regulatory hurdles that are only encountered in the course of the process often cause delays. Our partner Interzero uses its many years of experience to advise start-ups right from the start and thus ensures that market entry runs smoothly,” says Heinrich Prokop, Founder & Managing Director at Clever Clover.

        Free advice on regulatory requirements

        In order to provide young companies with the best possible support with their often tight budgets, Interzero has put together a special start-up package. This is free of charge in the first year of cooperation and helps to understand and meet the requirements of packaging and waste management law in order to do everything right from the start. “The regulations surrounding the Packaging Ordinance and the Waste Management Act are very complex and raise many questions. With our advice and support, start-ups can concentrate fully on their business idea and its development, while we take care of sustainability aspects and regulatory challenges,” says Thomas Glatz, Managing Director at Interzero Austria.

        Interzero’s performance at a glance


        • from waste prevention to reuse and recycling
        • Individual solutions for requirements that benefit the environment


        • implementation of sustainable solutions
        • improving the ecological footprint
        • Adaptation to PPWR and other mandatory regulations

        Waste Management

        • Tailor-made services and industry-specific disposal concepts

        Packaging development

        • Packaging Analysis: Made for Recycling
        • Packaging optimization: Made4Circle
        • Laboratory analyses

        Licensing solutions

        • Licensing platform ( redirect to platform )
        • Collection and recycling of packaging, waste electrical equipment and batteries

        About Interzero:

        Interzero is one of the leading service providers for closing product, material and logistics cycles and an innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions”, the company supports over 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible handling of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources. With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases and 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials compared to primary production in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at .

        Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



          epr bevollmächtigung polen

          EPR obligations in Poland: What companies need to know

          Poland has implemented strict extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations to ensure that manufacturers and distributors are responsible for the entire life cycle of their products. Foreign companies not based in Poland in particular must meet these requirements to avoid legal consequences. We inform you about the EPR obligations in Poland.

          General information about the EPR

          Companies that place products such as packaging, electronic devices or batteries on the Polish market are obliged to register with the national environmental protection agency, submit regular reports and pay fees for collection and recycling. Foreign companies without a branch in Poland also bear full responsibility. In particular, companies that sell their waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) directly to Polish customers via distance selling methods such as online shops or sales platforms are obliged to appoint an Authorized Representative in Poland who will assume their legal obligations.

          Penalties for non-compliance with EPR obligations

          Failure to comply with EPR regulations in Poland can result in significant penalties. Fines can range from PLN 15,000 to PLN 500,000, which is a range of EUR 3,500 to EUR 115,000 . Additionally, sales bans and other legal measures can be taken that can significantly affect business activities.

          How to ensure EPR compliance

          Companies have various options to meet their EPR obligations in Poland. Interzero has offices in many European countries, including Poland, which allows us to offer expert knowledge in the respective markets.

          Your company has a branch in Poland?

          • Direct registration: Registration with the Polish take-back systems to fulfil all reporting and payment obligations.

          Your company has NO branch in Poland?

          • Appointment of an Authorized Representative: Foreign companies that distribute their waste electrical and electronic equipment to end users must appoint an authorized representative in Poland who will assume their legal obligations. Interzero offers this service and ensures that all requirements are met.

          Act now! We support you in complying with your EPR obligations in Poland

          Don’t miss any deadlines and ensure your legal compliance. Visit our local website for more details or to place a contract order directly. If you have any questions, we are happy to help – contact us and get individual advice! With timely preparation and the right support, you can avoid unnecessary risks and concentrate on your core business.

          You might also be interested in:

          About Interzero:

          Interzero is one of the leading service providers around the closure of product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

          With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at.

          Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



            Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung EPR Europe

            Extended Producer Responsibility: Authorization in Austria and Neighboring Countries

            Companies that sell packaging, electrical equipment and batteries in countries where they do not have their own headquarters face numerous challenges due to the requirements of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Europe . In Austria and many EU countries, it is legally required to appoint an authorised representative who will assume your legal obligations.

            Why appoint a representative?

            If your company is not established in the respective country, the local authorized representative ensures that:

            • You fully comply with all national requirements of the Packaging Ordinance = legal certainty
            • Licensing and quantity reporting are handled correctly and direct communication with the authorities takes place = time saving
            • You are informed about changes in a timely manner and always keep an overview of your legal obligations = transparency

            Interzero as Authorized Representative in Austria

            In Austria, we offer our customers a portal for their entire EPR compliance. For packaging, waste electrical equipment and batteries – in one central location. You can rely on our expertise as an authorized representative and as an established collection and recycling system.

            Your advantages with Interzero:

            Interzero not only offers you authorization in Austria, but also solutions for other EU countries such as Germany, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia . Our cross-border services include:

            • Licensing your packaging, waste electrical and electronic equipment and batteries in multiple countries.
            • Uniform processes that ensure clarity and efficiency.
            • Personal advice and tailor-made solutions for your international requirements.

            With more than 30 years of experience and leading expertise in EPR compliance, you can rely on us to meet your international compliance requirements.

            Simplify your compliance processes in Austria and Europe.

            Do you have any questions about authorization in Austria? Read more about it here or contact us directly! Do you want to know what special features there are to be considered in the respective EU countries and how you can best master the challenges? In our blog posts you will find all the information you need to know. Read here:

            Latest news:

            Circular Consulting Interzero

            Interzero Circular Consulting
            Tailor-made solutions for your compliance

            epr online-portal interzero

            Optimized licensing:
            Use our online EPR portal

            Richard von Goetze Circular Economy Exchange

            Circular Economy Exchange 3.0:
            Expert knowledge and invitation to the event

            About Interzero:

            Interzero is one of the leading service providers around the closure of product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

            With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at.

            Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



              Circular Consulting Interzero

              Interzero Circular Consulting - Tailor-made solutions for your compliance

              From packaging to electrical appliances and batteries: companies are facing increasingly complex requirements due to national and EU-wide regulations. Our Interzero Circular Consulting packages are the perfect solution to master these challenges safely and efficiently. We show how consulting for EPR compliance works. Our packages at a glance:

              • Smart Package : For small business owners who want to keep themselves informed. You will receive all the important information to manage your obligations independently – including access to the customer portal and reminders of important deadlines.
              • Advanced Package : For companies that want support with product group assignment, recyclability and waste management. This not only saves you time, but also costs.
              • Expert Package : Our all-round, worry-free package for companies with complex requirements. It offers you personal support on all compliance issues as well as discounts on other Interzero services.
              • Start-up package: For start-ups that want to better understand the legal requirements of packaging and waste management issues and want to do everything right from the start. The first year is free.

              Why Interzero? With over 30 years of experience in the field of licensing and compliance, we are your reliable partner not only to meet legal requirements, but also to make processes sustainable and efficient. Convince yourself of the expertise of the European market leader for EPR compliance.

              How to get your right consulting package

              Find the right package for your needs now and start 2025 worry-free!

              Latest news:

              epr online-portal interzero

              Optimized licensing: Our online EPR portal

              Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung EPR Europe

              EPR in Europe: Authorization for Austria and Neighboring Countries

              Richard von Goetze Circular Economy Exchange

              Circular Economy Exchange 3.0: Expert knowledge and invitation to the event

              About Interzero:

              Interzero is one of the leading service providers for closing product, material and logistics cycles and an innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources. With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at.

              Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



                Richard von Goetze Circular Economy Exchange

                Chemical Recycling: Expert Knowledge and Invitation to the Circular Economy Exchange 3.0

                Saving resources instead of burning them – that is the potential of chemical recycling . For mixed plastic waste that cannot be mechanically recycled, it offers a solution to keep raw materials in the cycle and conserve primary resources and is much more than a supplement. Dr. Richard von Goetze , a doctor of chemistry and Head of Strategy at Interzero, is an expert in this field. In an exclusive interview with Business Circle ( read here) , he talks about the importance of chemical recycling, regulatory challenges and the vision of a world without waste. ” Chemical recycling is an ideal complement to the mechanical process and saves raw materials from being burned ,” says von Goetze.

                Invitation to the Circular Economy Exchange 3.0 on December 3rd

                Experience Dr. von Goetze live at the Circular Economy Exchange 3.0 in Vienna at “The Social Hub” and register. Together with experts from the industry, he will share insights into innovative solutions and show how the circular economy combines climate protection and economic potential.

                Latest news:

                Circular Consulting Interzero

                Interzero Circular Consulting
                Tailor-made solutions for your compliance

                Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung EPR Europe

                EPR in Europe:
                Authorization for Austria and Neighboring Countries

                epr online-portal interzero

                Optimized licensing:
                Use our online EPR portal

                About Interzero:

                Interzero is one of the leading service providers around the closure of product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

                With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at.

                Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



                  epr pflichten slowenien

                  EPR obligations in Slovenia: What companies need to know

                  Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is increasingly being used in Europe as a tool to promote sustainability and reduce waste. Slovenia has also implemented clear rules that require manufacturers and distributors of products to pay for the take-back and disposal of their products. Foreign companies not based in Slovenia in particular must ensure that they comply with these requirements in order to avoid severe penalties. Find the important information about EPR obligations in Slovenia:

                  General information about the EPR

                  EPR obligations in Slovenia include, among others, registration in a national system , reporting on quantities placed on the market and paying fees to finance the take-back systems. This applies to packaging, electronic devices and batteries. Foreign companies that sell products in Slovenia to end consumers via mail order also bear full responsibility and must appoint a local authorised representative to comply with their obligations. Violation of these regulations can have significant financial and legal consequences.

                  Penalties for non-compliance with EPR obligations

                  Companies that fail to comply with their EPR obligations in Slovenia face severe penalties. In addition to fines of up to €4,000, authorities can also impose sales bans , which have a serious impact on business activities. In addition, reputational damage can occur, which has a negative impact on market position.

                  How to ensure EPR compliance

                  In order to meet the EPR requirements in Slovenia, we ensure that everything is handled correctly with our team of experts at our branch in Slovenia. What you as a company need to take into account depends on whether you are based in Slovenia.

                  Your company has a branch in Slovenia?

                  • Registration with an authorized system: Companies can register directly with Interzero Slovenia, one of the state-recognized take-back systems, in order to fulfill their reporting and payment obligations.

                  Your company has NO branch in Slovenia?

                  • Appointment of an authorized representative: Foreign mail order companies without a branch in Slovenia and shipping focus B2C must appoint an authorized representative who will take over their duties on site and ensure that they comply with all legal requirements. We not only ensure the reporting of quantities, but also direct communication with national authorities in the local language.

                  Ensure correct compliance with your EPR obligations in Slovenia – we can help!

                  Don’t miss any deadlines and ensure your legal compliance. Visit our local webshop for more details or to place a contract order directly. If you have any questions, we are happy to help – contact us and get individual advice! With timely preparation and the right support, you can avoid unnecessary risks and concentrate on your core business.

                  You might also be interested in:

                  About Interzero:

                  Interzero is one of the leading service providers around the closure of product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

                  With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at.

                  Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling



                    epr pflichten slowenien

                    EPR obligations in Croatia: What companies need to know

                    Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is also gaining importance in Croatia. Croatian legislation obliges manufacturers and distributors of products to ensure that their goods are taken back and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Foreign companies without a registered office in Croatia in particular must be aware of their obligations and implement them in order to avoid legal and financial consequences.

                    General information about the EPR

                    In Croatia, the EPR rules apply to packaging, electronic equipment and batteries . Companies are obliged to register with one of the recognised take-back systems, submit regular reports on quantities placed on the market and pay recycling fees. These obligations also apply to companies without a local establishment that supply goods to private end-users in Croatia directly or via online sales channels. In addition, these companies must appoint a local authorised representative.

                    Penalties for non-compliance with EPR obligations

                    Failure to comply with EPR regulations can be expensive for companies in Croatia. Fines are a common sanction and can run into the thousands of euros. In addition, other measures such as sales bans or criminal consequences can be taken. This not only represents a financial risk, but can also permanently damage a company’s reputation.

                    How to ensure EPR compliance

                    For companies that want to comply with their EPR obligations in Croatia, we at Interzero offer the necessary local expertise. What you as a company need to consider depends on whether you are based in Croatia.

                    Your company has a branch in Croatia?

                    • Direct registration: Registration with a government-approved take-back system is the first step to meeting legal requirements.

                    Your company has NO branch in Croatia?

                    • Appointment of an authorized representative: Foreign companies not based in Croatia that sell to end consumers must appoint an authorized local representative who will assume their legal obligations. We not only take care of reporting your quantities, but also direct communication with national authorities in the local language.

                    Act now!

                    Visit our webshop for further details or secure yourself directly by ordering a contract. Do you have any further questions? Contact us and let our experts advise you. Legal compliance in Croatia is essential to secure your business and enable sustainable growth.

                    You might also be interested in:

                    About Interzero:

                    Interzero is one of the leading service providers around the closure of product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources.

                    With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities saved 1.2 million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 11.1 million tons of primary raw materials in 2023 alone. As a pioneer of the circular economy, Interzero is the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2024 and the associated special prize in the transformation field of “resources”. Further information can be found at www.interzero.at.

                    Find out more in our current brochure on ” resources SAVED by recycling

