Interzero Serbia: Approval of packaging licensing is a big step

Interzero expanded its operations to Serbia at the end of 2022

We are proud to have received the approval of packaging licensing in Serbia as well! This is an essential step for Interzero Ciruclar Solutions Europe to strengthen our international positioning and to further drive the expansion plans of our integrated environmental solutions.

At the same time, this strategic milestone provides a solid foundation for further local services in Serbia and enables the sustainable development of our competencies throughout the region. This will enable us to implement our growth strategy well: Expanding our expertise in fast-growing countries like Serbia. The goal is to exceed customer expectations by providing more and more international services with our highest quality standards.

Interzero Circular Solutions Europe has expanded its operations in Serbia as of the end of 2022. Now, we have recently received approval for packaging waste disposal and packaging licensing. This is an important step we can take together to achieve goals.

We thank Country Manager Vojislav Stanković and the team for their excellent work and now look forward to introducing innovative sustainability solutions in Serbia in line with our international best practices,” said Martin Ulke, Head of Interzero Circular Solutions Europe.


The recycling destinations in Serbia and Europe

Serbia’s national targets prescribe the amount of packaging waste to be returned to the recycling system (59%) and/or reused (64%). In the next few years, European targets call for 70% of municipal waste and 80% of packaging waste to be recycled by 2023. However, a landfill ban on recyclable waste will be introduced from 2025. These goals and constraints can create challenges for companies.


How can we achieve the goals together?

It’s simple: we develop environmental solutions that help companies develop sustainable businesses. From environmental protection consulting to integrated waste management, we now offer you a comprehensive portfolio of services and technical solutions in Serbia as well, enabling us to achieve a world without waste together.

Acting in accordance with the law

Broad international partner network

Elimination of the risk of possible sanctions

Advantages of cooperation

Provision of recyclable materials

Throughout Europe, we supply all types of recyclable waste, primarily all types of plastics, but also cardboard, metal, wood and glass, as well as raw materials and regranulates produced in the recycling process.

Sustainable technical solutions

By using first-class technical equipment, your employees optimize their workplace, simplify and accelerate production processes, reduce the amount of waste, cut costs and help the company achieve certain sustainable as well as economic goals

International solutions

Based on more than 30 years of experience in European countries, Interzero offers consulting and solutions in the field of waste management.

Interzero Logo

Address: Vojvode Micka Krstica 1M, Belgrade



The new online reporting portal - not just a new look

In the second half of last year, all systems in Austria were informed that, from 2023, companies will be subject to additional reporting obligations in addition to the already known and necessary quantity reports of packaging, batteries or waste electrical equipment placed on the market. These new notifications, as we have already informed, concern single-use plastic products as well as single-use and reusable packaging.

These new features should be available for reporting for the first time by March 15, and we at Interzero have taken advantage of this to not only incorporate the enhanced reporting queries, but to present the online reporting portal in a new look AND with new features. The clear goal here was to simplify the submission of reports and improve the user interface.

Whether you are an Interzero or profitara customer, you now have a single point of contact for submitting all messages digitally and efficiently.

Convince yourself!


From now on, you can enter at the usual web address with your usual access data and familiarize yourself with the new portal.

Online portal Interzero & Profitara

What has changed and what are the benefits?

With a new design and easier handling we offer you the possibility to report your quantities including the new reporting obligations.

  • Simply save your product groups to be reported as favorites!
  • Automatic quota correction or independent calculation – you decide!
  • Your quantities are not different from the previous message? You can now easily copy quantities from the previous period and save valuable time
  • Messages can now be submitted in tons or kilograms
  • You will find your system participation confirmation directly in the registration overview for download. Not only for the current, but also past are now stored in one place.
  • Download your quantity reports as a report, whether PDF or Excel!
  • and much more!

If you have any further questions, please contact us at We will try to answer your request as soon as possible.

Find below the most important info sheets and FAQs on this topic!

Information sheet for the new obligations for
Single-use plastic products and fishing gear

Information sheet for the new Reporting obligations for single-use and reusable packaging

Information sheet for the
Delimitation criteria for food packaging


More information

Packaging Ordinance 2014, version of 01.03.2023

§18. Manufacturers and importers of disposable tableware and cutlery must comply with the regulations on household packaging for the same.
§21a. Reporting obligations for single-use plastic products
§9 par. Household packaging
§13 par. Commercial packaging

How to: Interzero reporting portal

In the PDF you will find a step by step guide for the new reporting portal. If you have any questions, please contact

Click here for instructions



In the second half of last year, all systems in Austria were informed that from 2023, in addition to the already known and necessary quantity reports of packaging, batteries or waste electrical equipment placed on the market, companies will be subject to additional reporting obligations. These new reports, as we have already informed you, concern single-use plastic products as well as single-use and reusable packaging.
These innovations are to be reported for the first time by 15 March and we at Interzero have used this to not only integrate the extended reporting queries, but also to present the online reporting portal in a new guise AND with new features. The clear goal here was to simplify the submission of reports and to improve the user interface.
Whether you are an Interzero or profitara customer – now you have a single point of contact to submit all reports digitally and efficiently.

See for yourself!

From now on you can enter at the usual web address with your usual access data and familiarize yourself with the new portal.

Online portal Interzero & Profitara

What has changed and what are the advantages?

With a new design and easier handling we offer you the possibility to report your quantities including the new reporting obligations.


  • Simply save your product groups to be reported as favorites!
  • Automatic quota correction or independent calculation – you decide!
  • Your quantities do not differ from the previous report? You can now easily copy quantities from the previous period and save valuable time.
  • Reports can now be submitted in tons or kilograms
  • You will find your system participation confirmation directly in the report overview for downloading
  • Download your quantity reports as a report, whether PDF or Excel!
  • and much more!


If you have any further questions, please contact us at We will try to answer your request as soon as possible.

Please find below the most important information sheets and FAQs on this topic!

Information sheet for the new obligations for
single-use plastic products and fishing gear

Further information

please keep in mind that the legislation is only available in German.

§18. Manufacturers and importers of disposable tableware and cutlery shall comply with the provisions on household packaging for the same.
§21a. Reporting obligations for single-use plastic products
§9 para. Household packaging
§13 Para. Commercial packaging

Sustainability - a question of attitude

What distinguishes a disposable from a reusable glass bottle? The personal attitude towards innovation and ecological sustainability – this is proven by entrepreneurs* from Lower Austria, who have implemented an impressive project on waste prevention, which has been co-financed retroactively with Interzero’s funding.

It was a conversation about “dry” topics, even though the business purpose of Flaschenservice Erwin Haimerl GmbH in Langenlois, at the gateway to the Wachau, is anything but dry. There, they take on noble drops from the surrounding area to bottle, package and deliver to businesses far beyond the region: Wines, sparkling wines, must and self-produced grape juices.

This time it was about licensing the packaging placed on the market – in other words, compliance with legal requirements. Then an almost casual remark by the entrepreneur siblings Erwin Haimerl Junior and Annemarie Michael-Haimerl caught the special attention of the Interzero consultant. The entrepreneur had upgraded his bottle washing plant to the latest state of the art with the aim of making even disposable glass bottles reusable as often as possible after thorough cleaning.

It was immediately clear to the Interzero expert that a project like this could meet the funding guidelines of the BMK (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology). Since Interzero had its own funding within the legal framework, it was finally able to support its partner’s initiative with it quickly and unbureaucratically.

Hundreds of thousands of disposable bottles in a very short time

The result is impressive: In the first four months alone after the project was implemented, hundreds of thousands of glass bottles were washed, allowing them to be reused up to 40 times before being fed into the recycling process. This saves waste and transport distances every day – and not least climate-damaging CO2 emissions through less import of new disposable bottles from other EU countries.

Interzero actively promotes the prevention of waste

In line with the company’s mission statement, Interzero is actively engaged in the implementation of environmental sustainability projects. While it has been possible to autonomously provide a contingent of subsidies for projects (including those already implemented) that meet the legal requirements, Interzero will continue to provide its partners with the best possible support for subsidy submissions in the future in order to make investments in the protection of our environment even more attractive.

This is because Interzero consultants already have an insight into the areas of activity of the partner companies. This enables them to identify and assess optimization potential in discussions. The experts’ legal experience and long-standing contacts with the relevant authorities then help them to apply for funding for waste prevention projects of any size.

Our vision: Zero waste

As specialists in resource optimization, our goal is to work together to bring ecologically sustainable initiatives to successful – and maximally funded – implementation. In this way, we work together with our partners every day to realize our vision of a waste-free future.

Interzero x Bottle Service Erwin Haimerl GmbH

Change in the law: Who needs an authorized representative based in Austria from January 1, 2023.

With amendments to the Waste Management Act and the Packaging Ordinance, which came into force on 01. When the new legislation comes into force on January 1, 2023, an important change in the licensing and exemption of packaging must be taken into account: From next year, both mail-order companies without a registered office in Austria that sell their goods to private end consumers in this country and companies in EU member states that (still) want to take over the pre-declaration of packaging for their business customers in Austria will have to appoint authorized representatives. This concerns – unchanged – the placing on the market of packaging (disposable plastic products) or the sale of goods and commodities in packaging on the Austrian end consumer:inside market.

The authorized representative to be appointed shall assume all packaging law obligations in Austria on behalf of the commissioning company. He/she represents the foreign company vis-à-vis Austrian authorities and is responsible for “fulfilling its obligations under an ordinance pursuant to § 14 [Waste Management Act, note]”(§ 12b Waste Management Act, This may also include regular packaging volume reports (as a basis for royalties) to the relevant authorities.

The specialists of Interzero will be happy to inform and advise you

As specialists with many years of experience in the field of packaging licensing, we will be happy to advise you on the extent to which your company is affected by the changes in the law. Of course, we will be happy to take over all packaging law tasks for you as your authorized representative via our subsidiary Profitara – so that you can continue to concentrate fully on your core business.

How to get to your authorized representative contract

On our Interzero contract webshop you can get more information about the authorized representative and conclude your contract from 2023.

Interzero Verpackungslizensierung

Please note that as an existing customer of Interzero you are already registered and have received an email link and code for your personal entry page. If you are missing this information, please contact us at


Find the most important FAQs on this topic below!

More information

Federal Act on Sustainable Waste Management (Waste Management Act 2002 – AWG 2002)
Packaging Ordinance 2014(§ 16a, § 16b, § 16c, § 16d, § 16e)

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

The authorized representative assumes all obligations of the foreign supplier under packaging law.

Foreign mail order companies that do not have a registered office in Austria and hand over packaging or goods or goods in packaging in Austria to a private end consumer in the context of distance selling must appoint an authorized representative in Austria for packaging placed on the market as of January 1, 2023.

The same also applies to companies whose registered office is in another member state of the European Union and who wish to assume the advance obligation for packaging for their Austrian corporate customers. They may appoint a proxy. Pre-commitment is no longer possible without an authorized representative.

The regulations on the authorized representative (cf. §§ 16a to 16d of the Packaging Ordinance) stipulate that the authorized representative must be a natural person or legal entity with its registered office in Germany.

Branches established within Austria must be registered with the commercial register. Nevertheless, they do not have their own legal personality. Rather, the legal entity remains the natural person or legal entity that is also behind the main branch office.

Yes, for foreign companies/persons without a registered office in Austria, the appointment of an authorized representative is mandatory in order to continue to be able to license packaging in Austria in accordance with the law.

As of 01.01.2023, you will need an authorized representative, based in Austria. Once you have a contract and notarization, the power of attorney is valid until dissolved. Please check with your authorized representative regarding the validity of the contract.

The authorized representative is a deputy under packaging law who must assume the obligations for you from 01.01.2023. (See the next question for detailed information on commitments). Basically, any natural or legal person can be selected as an authorized representative if the following is present:

  • Domicile in Austria (domestic delivery address)
  • Notarized power of attorney
  • Registration with BMK

Balloons, fishing gear, wet wipes, tobacco products

The authorization concerns the following area - definitions

A foreign producer is any person as defined in Article 12b(2) of the Waste Management Act 2002 (i) who distributes packaging in Austria to other than private final consumers or (ii) who distributes disposable plastic products commercially in Austria to other than private final consumers and (ii) has its registered office in another Member State of the European Union.

A foreign mail order seller (packaging) is any person who does not have a registered office or place of business in Austria and who transfers packaging or goods or goods in packaging in Austria to a private end consumer in the context of distance selling within the meaning of Section 5a of the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG).

Foreign distance seller (single-use plastic products) is any person who commercially sells single-use plastic products, excluding packaging, in Austria directly to private end consumers by means of distance communication technology and is established in another Member State of the European Union or in a third country.

Information letter for our customers

Information letter for our customers


Change of name from Interseroh to Interzero completed


Dear business partners,


We are pleased to inform you that we have changed the company name with effect from 23.6. have completed. To further sharpen our vision of a future without waste and to better reflect our motto “Zero Waste Solutions”, we have changed our company name from Interseroh to Interzero as of June 14, 2022. With immediate effect, Interseroh Austria GmbH will become the

Interzero Circular Solutions Europe GmbH

We would therefore like to ask you to make a corresponding change in your data records.


What is also changing is our email address for billing. The old address will no longer exist in the future. We therefore request that you send your electronic invoices to the following address:

The address for sending invoices by post remains as before:


Interzero Circular Solutions Europe GmbH

Business Center 836

1000 Vienna, Austria


What remains completely untouched, on the other hand, is Interzero ‘s customer-oriented service and top price-performance ratio – we remain your reliable partner for disengagement and compaction. With a wealth of experience, our broad portfolio of environmental services and innovative recycling cycles, we have been offering our customers optimum resource efficiency and environmental sustainability since 1997. Even with Interzero , everything remains in the green for you.


We would also like to thank you for the trust you have placed in us to date and assure you that we will continue to fulfill the obligations you have placed in us to the best of our ability and for your benefit. As your resource optimizer, Interzero Europe looks forward to continued good cooperation.


Sincerely yours,

Mag. Christian Gschiel

General Manager


Let's #MoveTheDate: Interzero reduces earth congestion with its customers

Let's #MoveTheDate: Interzero reduces earth congestion with its customers

+++ Interzero focuses on conservation of natural resources

+++ Long-term cooperation with the Global Footprint Network

+++ Calculated precisely: For every euro of value added, Interzero gives back to the planet 10 times more than is consumed on average in the world.

“One World. Zero Waste. Let’s #MoveTheDate.” Under this motto, Interzero is spotlighting the conservation of natural resources by working together with its customers in a broad-based campaign. In cooperation with the Global Footprint Network, the service provider for recycling solutions was able to show the extent to which recycling initiated by it relieves the burden on the earth – and delays the so-called Earth Overshoot Day a little.


In purely mathematical terms, humanity has already used up all the natural resources that our planet can provide within a year by July 28. “We do not want to resign ourselves to the progressive exploitation of resources,” says Sebastiaan Krol, CEO of Interzero Circular Solutions. “On the contrary, we are working for a world without waste, in which we use what is available to us sustainably and responsibly. With our ‘zero waste solutions’ for our customers, we actively contribute to climate and resource protection every day and secure the supply of raw materials for present and future generations.”


Based on Interzero’s data, researchers from the Global Footprint Network have confirmed that for every euro of value the company generates with solutions in partnership with its customers, the global overshoot shrinks by more than 28 global square meters. In contrast, for every euro of output added to the global economy, the global overshoot increases by an average of 2.6 global square meters.


This means that Interzero gives back 10 times more to our planet per euro of economic output than the global economy, overusing it on average. Without Interzero, Earth Crossing Day would occur 4 minutes and 20 seconds earlier worldwide – so Interzero’s collaboration with its clients has an impact on a global scale that is quite measurable.


“We as the Interzero team are proud that through our ‘zero waste solutions’ with our customers and partners, we are proportionally giving back significantly more in resources than are used up. The 4 minutes 20 seconds overshoot saving is a starting point and incentive for us to further expand our activities,” Sebastiaan Krol underlines.


For the calculations, the Global Footprint Network uses resource accounting: the “ecological footprint.” Using this indicator, the non-profit organization compares the


current needs of the world’s population (or of countries) with the earth’s capacity to renew the natural resources it consumes. Valid basic data for the relief contribution of Interzero is provided by the study “Resources SAVED by Recycling” by the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and

Energy Technology UMSICHT. On behalf of Interzero, the scientists determine annually how many greenhouse gases and resources are saved by recycling recyclable materials.


“Globally, people currently consume as many resources as if we lived on 1.75 Earths,” said Dr. Mathis Wackernagel, president of the Global Footprint Network. “We are therefore very pleased to cooperate with Interzero. Companies that pursue a ‘One Planet’ strategy and implement it in their day-to-day business improve the future prospects for everyone – and especially their own competitiveness.”


When it comes to preserving our natural livelihoods, every contribution counts. Interzero also wants to communicate this to its employees, customers and business partners as part of the new campaign – and thus set a sustainable movement in motion.


Motivation is also provided by the company’s own
campaign video
in which Interzero calls for a more conscious use of natural resources. “Let’s #MoveTheDate!”


About Interzero:

Interzero is one of the leading service providers around the closure of product, material and logistics loops as well as innovation leader in plastics recycling with the largest sorting capacity in Europe. Under the guiding principle of “zero waste solutions,” the company supports more than 50,000 customers across Europe in the responsible use of recyclable materials, helping them to improve their own sustainability performance and conserve primary resources. With around 2,000 employees, the company generates sales of over one billion euros (2021). According to Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Interzero’s recycling activities could save one million tons of greenhouse gases compared to primary production and over 12.5 million tons of primary raw materials in 2021 alone. For more information, visit


    The collection partners for the interzero collection region from 2023 have been determined

    The collection partners for the Interzero collection regions from 2023 have been determined


    Bidding process completed – partners for the collection of light, metal and glass packaging for the period 2023 to 2027 identified


    Interzero has identified the partners in the assigned collection regions for the collection of light, metal, and glass packaging, respectively, for the performance period 2023 to 2027.


    Due to the climate relevance of the collection of packaging, particular emphasis was also placed on environmental aspects in the bidding process. For example, it was ensured that only EURO VI vehicles or vehicles with alternative, lower-emission drive systems are used in conurbations.


    By conducting the tendering process in accordance with the principles of public procurement law, we have ensured that we can commission the most suitable collection partners to collect household packaging in the respective regions.


    Best bidder per collection region and fraction


    Lightweight packaging


    District code District name Best bidder
    101 Eisenstadt (city) Umweltdienst Burgenland GmbH *
    201 Klagenfurt (city) Municipality of the Provincial Capital of Klagenfurt *
    206 Spittal/Drava Rossbacher GmbH
    302 St. Pölten (City) Brantner Austria GmbH
    311 Horn Saubermacher Services AG
    323 Wr. New town (country) Wiener Neustadt public utility *
    406 Freistadt Energie AG Upper Austria Environmental Service GmbH
    411 Perg Energie AG Upper Austria Environmental Service GmbH
    502 Hallein ARGE Tennengau with leader Struber Entsorgung GmbH
    704 Kitzbühel DAKA Waste Management Company GmbH & Co KG
    705 Kufstein DAKA Waste Management Company GmbH & Co KG
    801 Bludenz Branner GmbH
    804 Feldkirch Branner GmbH




    Metal packaging


    District code District name Best bidder
    101 Eisenstadt (city) Umweltdienst Burgenland GmbH *
    411 Perg Baier GmbH
    704 Kitzbühel DAKA Disposal Company GmbH & Co KG
    705 Kufstein DAKA Disposal Company GmbH & Co KG
    801 Bludenz Stark GmbH, Branch Office Vorarlberg
    804 Feldkirch Stark GmbH, Branch Office Vorarlberg




    Glass packaging


    District code District name Best bidder
    101 Eisenstadt (city) Umweltdienst Burgenland GmbH *
    206 Spittal/Drava Huber Disposal Ltd Nfg KG
    311 Horn Saubermacher Services AG
    323 Wr. New town (country) Energie AG Upper Austria Environmental Service GmbH
    406 Freistadt Waizinger GesmbH & CoKG
    502 Hallein Energie AG Upper Austria Environmental Service GmbH
    704 Kitzbühel Swarco ECO-TEC GmbH
    804 Feldkirch Loacker Recycling GmbH




    * Right of subrogation acc. § 29b (9) AWG

    Sustainable and social: Caritas Upper Austria receives 20 refurbished notebooks from Interseroh Austria & AfB

    Sustainable and social: Caritas Upper Austria receives 20 refurbished notebooks from Interseroh Austria & AfB


    Normally, these notebooks would have been disposed of if AfB and Interseroh Austria had not taken an initiative to save them.


    Linz. At the end of May 2022, the notebooks refurbished by AfB were handed over to Caritas Upper Austria in Linz. Edgar Gratzer, Head of the Training Department of Caritas Upper Austria, accepted the devices at Café Carla:



    “I am pleased that these notebooks have been donated to us for two reasons. Many of our customers hardly have access to such devices. Here they can independently try out, learn and make sense of new applications that don’t work on smartphones. All areas to increase independence. And in my role as environmental management officer for the EMAS-certified St. Elisabeth site, I’m happy to be able to set a nice example here, too: Things that are no longer so serviceable for some are refurbished, and in turn offer great value to others.”

    Edgar Gratzer, Caritas Upper Austria, Head of the Training Department


    The notebooks, which will not be “old hat” for a long time to come, were presented by Jürgen Münzner, AfB Sales Manager for Upper Austria, Andreas Schmidt, AfB Partner Manager for Upper Austria, and Wolfgang Rabl, Head of Sales at Interseroh Austria, which, as a disposal and recycling partner, initiated this project for active waste avoidance together with AfB.


    This special cooperation to promote sustainability came about through the long-standing partnership between AfB and Interseroh Austria in the area of waste electrical equipment disposal:



    “Interseroh Austria is committed to making a sustainable contribution to socially disadvantaged people. The reprocessing of IT hardware that has already been written off also makes an active contribution to reducing our ‘footprint’ for the next generation. Thanks to AfB and their commitment in Austria.”

    Wolfgang Rabl, Interseroh Austria, Head of Sales

    The constant exchange between experts from the two companies offered the opportunity to return notebooks that would not have been economically remanufactured under normal circumstances because they were already too old, for example, to the product cycle as part of a sponsored initiative to avoid waste – and to donate them to a good cause on several levels at the same time.


    From learning to interpreting: the new use of the donated equipment


    Thus, even during remanufacturing at AfB, the equipment was used by employees to learn and practice technical skills. But their future destination is even more diverse:



    “I am very pleased that AfB is able to support young people with disabilities in particular, who might not otherwise have easy access to notebooks, and that they are thus given access to learning with digital media. It’s a great opportunity to create a basis for these young people to use their strengths to become valuable and important employees in their adult working lives, in companies like AfB, even with an impairment/disability.”

    Jürgen Münzner, AfB Sales Manager Upper Austria


    At Caritas Upper Austria, the (almost again) new devices are used for training and teaching purposes: for training media competence as well as for basic IT training. People with hearing disabilities will be helped by the notebooks in the classroom, with video interpreters plugged in remotely. And they also find a new home in Caritas residential groups in St. Isidor – for Internet research and learning games.


    Value creation beyond the material


    The fact that sustainability is also promoted on a social level within the framework of this project through the specific use of the refurbished notebooks is particularly in line with the broad responsibility of which all actors – Caritas, AfB and Interseroh – are aware.


    AfB – Europe’s largest non-profit IT company


    AfB GmbH – – is Europe’s largest non-profit IT company and creates valuable jobs for people with disabilities by recycling and selling used IT and mobile equipment.


    Companies and cooperation partners use AfB’s core services by leaving their IT hardware that is no longer needed to AfB at the end of its lifecycle. Old equipment is collected by AfB from companies throughout Austria, inventoried, deleted in a revision and EU-DSGVO compliant manner using Blancco certified, repaired, tested, cleaned and then remarketed with a guarantee of at least 12 months. Alternatively, old equipment is professionally dismantled and disposed of.


    In this way, a total of over 58,600 IT and mobile devices were handled by AfB in Austria in 2021, moving over 225 tons of equipment.


    In terms of resource savings from processing and remarketing, this corresponded to, among other things.


    • 5,300 metric tons of CO2 (equivalents)
    • 3,300 tons of iron (equivalents)
    • 20,000 megawatt hours of energy
    • 38 million liters of water


    AfB appliances at reasonable prices are particularly appreciated by people from socially weaker income groups, or people for whom the economical use of resources is a special concern. But so do companies, educational institutions, NGOs and non-profit organizations, which benefit from the favorable prices for IT hardware.


    Interseroh Austria – Resource Optimization for 25 Years


    Interseroh Austria, operator of a collection and recycling system based in Vienna since 1997, is a specialist for a sustainable circular economy with the corporate focus on licensing of packaging, waste electrical equipment and batteries, machine trading as well as disposal and recycling. For example, in 2021, 9,193 tons of waste electrical equipment and 413 tons of batteries were collected. 72% of end-of-life devices were recycled or reused, and 88% of batteries were recycled.


    In addition to disposal and recycling services, Interseroh is the exclusive Austrian partner for Sielaff reverse vending machines and deposit systems as well as for Orwak baling presses for the compaction of recyclable materials.


    With the new Packaging Management and Packaging Design divisions, the challenge is met far at the beginning of the raw material cycle: Packaging and material analyses in our own laboratory as well as individual consulting by Interseroh specialists push the development of product packaging “Made for Recycling” that is characterized by a particularly high degree of recyclability – for responsible use of our resources.



    In addition, Interseroh Austria supports companies of all sizes in the development and implementation of innovative waste prevention projects. Against this background, after many years of successful cooperation with AfB Austria in the recycling of old electrical equipment, site disposal and packaging licensing, the joint initiative was launched to ensure that donated notebooks do not become “electronic waste” but are processed and made usable far beyond their usual period of use.

    We have moved - Interseroh Austria has a new headquarters in Vienna

    We have moved – Interseroh Austria has a new headquarters in Vienna


    Interseroh Austria has moved from the third to the second district in Vienna and has moved into a new office in Viertel Zwei near the Prater.


    Vienna. Interseroh Austria has the next milestone to report. After the change at the top of the company to Mag. Christian Gschiel as operationally responsible managing director, we may now inform you about a change of location. Interseroh Austria now also has a new company headquarters in Vienna. We have moved from our long-time location at Ungargasse 33 in the third district to the second district. The company address is therefore as of this date:


    Interseroh Austria GmbH


    BIZ ZWEI, Vorgartenstraße 206c


    1020 Vienna


    The office space was thus adapted to Interseroh’s continued dynamic growth. Because we have expanded enormously both in terms of our team and in terms of services, product range and customer service in recent months and years and will continue to do so. In the new office premises, all parts of the company have now been brought together again in one location on around 1,000 square meters, which further optimizes both internal cooperation and services for customers. There will also be a dedicated showroom at our new address that will allow digital tours. In addition, there are seminar rooms for various events and training courses.


    As our team has grown, so have our offerings to customers. In the future, there will be an increased focus on packaging design as well as trading and recycling of secondary raw materials. Added to this are our new climate-neutral tariff in packaging licensing and new products in machine trading. With regard to the latter, in addition to the proven Orwak balers and Avermann press containers, the focus will be even more on Sielaff’s return systems. With the introduction of a deposit on disposable beverage containers made of PET and metal, we expect demand to increase in this area in particular.


    Managing Director Christian Gschiel comments: “Interseroh Austria would like to position itself even more broadly for existing and new customers with the new company location and the expanded offers. Therefore, we live the closed-loop concept with our team in our daily activities and would like to support this in the future with an additional state-of-the-art showroom and seminar offers. Our declared goal is to set new industry standards and, not least, the prerequisites for this have been created with our new company headquarters, which will be the center of all our activities from now on.”

    Reusable king: Interseroh i Burger King® pokreću zajednički pilot projekat višekratne upotrebe

    U šestomesečnom pilot projektu, Interseroh i Burger King® donose čaše za piće za višekratnu upotrebu u dvanaest restorana Burger King® u Kelnu i Frehenu. Od 1. marta 2022. godine kupci su imali priliku da prilikom naručivanja izaberu čaše za piće za višekratnu upotrebu kao alternativu ambalaži za jednokratnu upotrebu. Za implementaciju se koristi depozitni sistem, kojim se čaše za višekratne napitke za tople i hladne napitke mogu pozajmiti za jedan evro i vratiti svim restoranima koji učestvuju.


    Uz aktivnu upotrebu do 60.000 šoljica puštenih u promet, stotine hiljada čaša za jednokratnu upotrebu mogu se uštedeti. Kao Burger King® dugogodišnji dobavljač usluga upravljanja životnom sredinom i otpadom, Interseroh kontinuirano podržava cilj izbegavanja otpada kroz smanjenje plastike i reciklažu. Nalazi iz pilot projekta će se koristiti za proširenje sistema širom Nemačke i razvoj daljih alternativa za višekratnu upotrebu. Cilj je ponuditi opcije za višekratnu upotrebu širom zemlje do 2023. godine.


    Sa svojim iskustvom i savetima, Interseroh nije bio samo blizak Burger King’s® strani pre uvođenja “looping” sistema. Tokom pilot perioda, pružalac usluga zaštite životne sredine će nastaviti da preuzima sve korake za cirkulaciju čaša za piće za višekratnu upotrebu. Nakon prikupljanja iskorišćenih šoljica, one se čiste u skladu sa svim higijenskim standardima i zatim dostavljaju Burger King® na ponovnu upotrebu.


    “Prevencija otpada je suštinski deo održivog korišćenja resursa”, kaže izvršni direktor Interseroha dr. Akel Schveitzer. “Drago nam je što se Burger King® bavi ovim važnim pitanjem i što ga možemo podržati svojom dugogodišnjom ekspertizom u zatvaranju ciklusa proizvoda. Zajednički projekat sa Burger King® se veoma dobro uklapa u našu viziju sveta bez otpada i mi nadamo se živoj upotrebi čaša za višekratnu upotrebu. Pošto je višekratna upotreba to bolja za životnu sredinu, što se češće koristi.”


    Dodatne informacije o zajedničkom projektu višekratne upotrebe sa Burger King® možete pronaći na: