Latest articles and news
Award for Europe’s leading recycling service provider
2. November 2023
Passionate about a world without waste: Interzero wins German Sustainability Award 2024
OMV and Interzero: Joint venture for largest sorting plant for chemical recycling
31. October 2023
OMV and Interzero establish joint venture to build and operate Europe's largest chemical recycling sorting facility
Discover our new highlight!
31. October 2023
The Cushion Pack packaging cushioning machine thinks waste cardboard new!
Recycle instead of waste resources: Contributions to sustainable management precisely documented
17. October 2023
Interzero publishes "resources SAVED by recycling" study for 2022:
+++ Interzero saves around 1 million t of greenhouse gases and 8.7 million t of primary resources with its customers
missionPET and Interzero: A success story for sustainability and innovation
12. October 2023
The world of missionPET is all about sustainability, and we at Interzero are proud to share our success as we work together towards a green future.
Strong team for the protection of the planet
3. August 2023
Strong team to protect the planet: Interzero and its customers postpone the Earth Overshoot by 7 minutes and 16 seconds
28. June 2023
Packaging vs. climate protection? Plattform Verpackung mit Zukunft and MPREIS put packaging myths to the test. To this end, everyday examples are presented on the topics of food waste, recycling and the value and benefits of packaging. Companies from the entire packaging value chain and the retail partner MPREIS have joined forces for this purpose
HDPE for bottle production made from 100% LVP for the first time – Interzero receives patent for more sustainable plastic recycling process
20. June 2023
Interzero is developing mechanical recycling process with chemically controlled rheology modification to produce blow-molded products from 100% lightweight packaging material from post-consumer streams, previously only suitable for extrusion processes.
Yellow sack and yellow bin can now do more: New recycling collection system brings regional increase in collection of over 20%
15. June 2023
Since the beginning of 2023, the collection of lightweight packaging has been standardized. In addition, metal packaging was started to be collected in the yellow bag or yellow garbage can as standard.