Download Center

Whether brochures, order forms, certificates or our sustainability magazine – in our Download Center you will find all documents at a glance. You can also download press photos here.

Sustainability reporting & certificates

Win-win Sustainability Magazine 2024

ALL IN – Sustainability Magazine 2023

Resources SAVED by recycling 2022

Resources SAVED by recycling 2023

Interzero ISO-Certificate 2023

Interzero Sustainability Report 2020

Interzero Sustainability Program 2020

Brochures and product data sheets


Environmental Sustainability Dashboard

Climate Pro packaging tariff

Made for recycling

Interzero price overview

Tariff 2024 Packaging licensing 

Tariff 2024 batteries (until 31.03.2024)

Tariff 2024 waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (until 31.03)

Tariff 2024 batteries (from 01.04.2024)

Tariff 2024 waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (from 01.04)

Tariff 2023 Packaging licensing (from 01.07)

Tariff 2023 Packaging licensing (until 30.06)

Tariff 2023 batteries

Tariff 2023 waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

Important information sheets around packaging licensing

Reporting obligations for disposable and reusable packaging from 2022 according to VVO

Obligations for single-use plastic products and fishing gear from 2022 according to VVO

Plastic carrier bags ban from 2022

Mandatory labeling for single-use plastic articles as of July 2021

Ban on certain single-use plastic articles 2021

Product group sheets acc. Delimitation Ordinance
(available in German)

Quota sheets of the product groups
(available in German)

Differentiation between household and commercial packaging

Mono-pack material composite beverage cartons
(available in German)

Information of participation in collection systems (upstream/downstream distribution stages)
(available in German)

Contract filling information
(available in German)

Information about imports and own imports
(available in German)

Important information for batteries and waste electrical equipment

Takeover points batteries
(available in German)

Collection points for waste electrical equipment
(available in German)

Assignment list of waste electrical equipment
(available in German)

Directives and regulations

(Directives only in German available)

Waste Management Act (AWG) 2002, current version

EU Packaging Directive

EU Single-Use Plastics Directive

Packaging Ordinance (VVO) 2014, current version

Packaging demarcation ordinance, current version

Battery ordinance, current version

Information on the amendment 2021 – Battery Ordinance

Ordinance on Waste Electrical Equipment, current version


Media library

How does resources SAVED by recycling work? What distinguishes the recycling process Recycled-Resource? What is the Made for Recycling process like?

Learn this and more in our latest informational videos.