What distinguishes a disposable from a reusable glass bottle? The personal attitude towards innovation and ecological sustainability – this is proven by entrepreneurs* from Lower Austria, who have implemented an impressive project on waste prevention, which has been co-financed retroactively with Interzero’s funding.

It was a conversation about “dry” topics, even though the business purpose of Flaschenservice Erwin Haimerl GmbH in Langenlois, at the gateway to the Wachau, is anything but dry. There, they take on noble drops from the surrounding area to bottle, package and deliver to businesses far beyond the region: Wines, sparkling wines, must and self-produced grape juices.

This time it was about licensing the packaging placed on the market – in other words, compliance with legal requirements. Then an almost casual remark by the entrepreneur siblings Erwin Haimerl Junior and Annemarie Michael-Haimerl caught the special attention of the Interzero consultant. The entrepreneur had upgraded his bottle washing plant to the latest state of the art with the aim of making even disposable glass bottles reusable as often as possible after thorough cleaning.

It was immediately clear to the Interzero expert that a project like this could meet the funding guidelines of the BMK (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology). Since Interzero had its own funding within the legal framework, it was finally able to support its partner’s initiative with it quickly and unbureaucratically.

Hundreds of thousands of disposable bottles in a very short time

The result is impressive: In the first four months alone after the project was implemented, hundreds of thousands of glass bottles were washed, allowing them to be reused up to 40 times before being fed into the recycling process. This saves waste and transport distances every day – and not least climate-damaging CO2 emissions through less import of new disposable bottles from other EU countries.

Interzero actively promotes the prevention of waste

In line with the company’s mission statement, Interzero is actively engaged in the implementation of environmental sustainability projects. While it has been possible to autonomously provide a contingent of subsidies for projects (including those already implemented) that meet the legal requirements, Interzero will continue to provide its partners with the best possible support for subsidy submissions in the future in order to make investments in the protection of our environment even more attractive.

This is because Interzero consultants already have an insight into the areas of activity of the partner companies. This enables them to identify and assess optimization potential in discussions. The experts’ legal experience and long-standing contacts with the relevant authorities then help them to apply for funding for waste prevention projects of any size.

Our vision: Zero waste

As specialists in resource optimization, our goal is to work together to bring ecologically sustainable initiatives to successful – and maximally funded – implementation. In this way, we work together with our partners every day to realize our vision of a waste-free future.

Interzero x Bottle Service Erwin Haimerl GmbH