Our Supplier Code of Conduct
Sustainability in Supplier Management
Interzero stands for Zero Waste – for a sustainable circular economy that avoids waste, secures resources and protects the climate. As a partner for sustainable circular solutions and innovative plastic recycling, we support our customers in keeping recyclable materials in the cycle and significantly improving their environmental footprint. Sustainability is fundamental to our corporate strategy and an essential part of our business processes. Our supplier code and our code of conduct contain our principles at Interzero.
Our claim as a basis for a smooth cooperation
At Interzero, we combine highly specialized services and competencies through our business units Interzero Plastics Recycling (IPR) and Interzero Circular Solutions (ICS) as well as the dual system Interseroh+. This includes the development of customized circular concepts – analogue and digital – as well as the operation of modern sorting systems and the extraction and marketing of quality-tested recycled raw materials. We provide market-oriented plastic regranulates and compounds for a wide range of industrial applications.
The basis of our success is responsible corporate management focused on long-term value creation. In our procurement activities, we pay attention not only to procedural, economic and technical criteria, but also to social and ecological aspects such as human rights, working conditions, corruption prevention and environmental protection.
In order to ensure the long-term success of our cooperation, we have developed a guideline that supports us all in meeting the business and legal requirements, because we share responsibility.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct
Interzero generally expects all suppliers to comply with the applicable national laws, the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and this Supplier Code of Conduct in their activities. In addition, suppliers guarantee that they will observe the following regulations in their companies and that they will establish and communicate suitable procedures and work instructions to enforce these regulations.

Our Code of ConductCode of Conduct
Our corporate values form the basis on which we want to work together today and in the future. Our code of conduct serves as a binding guideline for our daily actions. It is intended to help us to continually review our own behavior, act responsibly in every situation and comply with increasingly complex legal regulations.
Our principles
The selection of suppliers is a top priority for Interzero – not least to ensure the highest quality of service for our customers . In addition to economic criteria, we naturally also take the quality of service and ecological conditions into account when making our decisions. This applies both to the tenders we carry out and to the direct commissioning of suppliers.
The awarding of collection services
The award of services for the collection of lightweight, metal or glass packaging is carried out in accordance with the principles of the award procedure. In the two-stage process, in the first stage, basic suitability must be proven (e.g. professional suitability of the supplier, professional reliability and economic and technical performance). In the second stage, a binding offer must be submitted within the tender period. The contract is always awarded to the bidder with the best offer in economic and technical terms in accordance with the best bidder principle. This means that, for example, for the collection, in addition to the price, the quality (vehicle fleet used for the collection or service concept with which the collection is implemented, as well as proven management systems and other criteria) are included in the tender assessment.
The commissioning of suppliers outside of the tendering process always takes place in compliance with the internal purchasing guidelines, which are anchored in the QM system. By obtaining and comparing several offers, in this process too, in addition to the price, the quality of the service, previous experience (delivery adherence, flexibility, costs, etc.), the regionality , the specialization and ecological factors (sustainable solutions, emissions, etc.) are decisive for commissioning the best offer.
Our Responsibility
Collection and recycling systems (SVS) take on the transferable obligations of their system participants (release of obligations) and ensure that the relevant targets are achieved. The targets for waste management include in particular the respective collection and recycling quotas . The collection process is specifically defined in the respective regulations (e.g. Packaging Ordinance, Waste Electrical Equipment Ordinance and Battery Ordinance) and is usually designed in such a way that the waste collected (packaging, waste electrical equipment, batteries) is allocated to the respective SVS according to market share.
Recycling and any preceding processing (e.g. sorting) is organized individually by the systems.