About Interzero

Interzero stands for International Zero Waste Solutions. With our innovative closed-loop solutions, we have been ensuring a future without waste in Austria since 1997.

Since our founding in 1991 , we have provided customized environmental and system services for more than 20,000 customers in all sectors – with sales of one billion euros at last count (2021). Around 2,300 employees work for us at more than 40 locations in 10 countries. With great commitment and know-how, we work together for our vision – a world without waste.




EUR billion annual sales


Years experience






satisfied customers

What we offer

  • Individual and comprehensive environmental services
  • Innovative recycling solutions
  • Excellent secondary raw materials
  • A comprehensive portfolio of waste management services
  • Over 30 years of industry experience
  • Comprehensive service

Our business fields


We are your partner for all licensing obligations in Austria.

We take over your obligations
  • Packaging licensing
  • Licensing of waste electrical equipment
  • Battery licensing
  • Audit support service
  • profitara Packaging management
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Waste Management

We help you to create the right disposal concept for your company.

Environmentally sound disposal and individual service
  • Industry-specific solutions
  • individual disposal concepts
  • ongoing support
  • competent partners
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Packaging development

Is your packaging already recyclable and optimized?

We focus on resource conservation and sustainability
  • Packaging analysis Made for Recycling
  • Packaging optimization Made 4 Circle
  • Laboratory analyses
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Machines & Service

We will find the right machine for you and offer you the appropriate service to go with it.

With our partners we can support you
  • Save costs
  • Acting more sustainably
  • Protect employees
  • Reduce maintenance costs
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Recyclables trade & recycling

Get your recyclables back and close the loop!

Your recyclables are the raw materials of the future
  • Identification and analysis of the recycling route
  • Analysis of packaging materials
  • Preparation of recyclates
  • Circular Economy Solutions
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The 3 pillars of the Interzero Group

Our principles

The selection of suppliers is a top priority for Interzero – not least to ensure the highest quality of service for our customers . In addition to economic criteria, we naturally also take the quality of service and ecological conditions into account when making our decisions. This applies both to the tenders we carry out and to the direct commissioning of suppliers.


The awarding of collection services

The award of services for the collection of lightweight, metal or glass packaging is carried out in accordance with the principles of the award procedure. In the two-stage process, in the first stage, basic suitability must be proven (e.g. professional suitability of the supplier, professional reliability and economic and technical performance). In the second stage, a binding offer must be submitted within the tender period. The contract is always awarded to the bidder with the best offer in economic and technical terms in accordance with the best bidder principle. This means that, for example, for the collection, in addition to the price, the quality (vehicle fleet used for the collection or service concept with which the collection is implemented, as well as proven management systems and other criteria) are included in the tender assessment.


The commissioning of suppliers outside of the tendering process always takes place in compliance with the internal purchasing guidelines, which are anchored in the QM system. By obtaining and comparing several offers, in this process too, in addition to the price, the quality of the service, previous experience (delivery adherence, flexibility, costs, etc.), the regionality , the specialization and ecological factors (sustainable solutions, emissions, etc.) are decisive for commissioning the best offer.


Our Responsibility

Collection and recycling systems (SVS) take on the transferable obligations of their system participants (release of obligations) and ensure that the relevant targets are achieved. The targets for waste management include in particular the respective collection and recycling quotas . The collection process is specifically defined in the respective regulations (e.g. Packaging Ordinance, Waste Electrical Equipment Ordinance and Battery Ordinance) and is usually designed in such a way that the waste collected (packaging, waste electrical equipment, batteries) is allocated to the respective SVS according to market share.

Recycling and any preceding processing (e.g. sorting) is organized individually by the systems.

Our Code of Conduct

1. the code of conduct within the compliance management system

Personal integrity and sound judgment are indispensable qualities for the successful delivery of our services. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary that every employee (hereinafter collectively referred to as “employees” for the sake of simplicity) knows the rules relevant to our company and is aware of the impact of an action or decision.

This Code of Conduct therefore serves as a central guideline for proper behavior in all business matters relating to our company. The requirements for legally impeccable conduct are laid down there in binding form and are intended to provide all employees with guidance as to whether or not an action or decision is permissible. Our corporate values are also part of the Code of Conduct.

In important matters of detail, the Code of Conduct is supplemented by individual guidelines and specifications.

To ensure that we continue to be successful, we have set up a compliance management system in our company to help us all meet corporate and legal requirements.

2. principles and social responsibility

For us, it is a matter of social responsibility and credibility to be committed to sustainable business, to safeguarding social and ecological standards, and to the concerns of society as a whole. Therefore, clear principles and standards apply in this regard.


    • 2.1 Human rights and child labor

We respect internationally recognized human rights and support their observance. We do not tolerate behavior that disregards these.

In our company, we do not accept illegal employment of children and young people.


    • 2.2 Equal opportunities and freedom from discrimination


We promote equal opportunities and avoid discrimination in the recruitment of employees and in the promotion or granting of training and development measures. We treat all employees equally, regardless of gender, age, skin color, culture, ethnic origin, sexual identity or orientation, disability or religious affiliation.


    • 2.3 Compliance with law and order

We expect all employees to comply with applicable laws and regulations. All managers in our company are required to familiarize themselves with the fundamental values. In this respect, they act as role models and guide employees to conduct themselves in accordance with the law and the rules.


    • 2.4 Compliance with social standards

Together with managers, we are committed to ensuring that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. All employees should be able to work in a work environment free from physical harassment and sexual, psychological or verbal harassment. We investigate reports of violations with due regard for the interests of victims and potential witnesses, irrespective of the rank and person of the person concerned.

We expect our employees to stand behind democratic principles.

We comply with legal regulations to ensure fair working conditions and remuneration, working hours and privacy protection.

As part of continuing professional development, we promote the expansion of employees’ professional skills through appropriate training and development measures.

We also expect our business partners to observe equivalent social standards in the areas of: Human rights, compliance with the law, protection of children and young people, treatment of employees, equal opportunities, health and safety at work, wages and social benefits.


    • 2.5 Health and safety

Occupational safety and health protection are an essential part of all operating processes in our company.

At all workplaces, we take the necessary measures to prevent accidents and damage to health and to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety regulations. Every manager is obligated to support his or her employees in this process.

For subcontractors and for all companies working with us, we expect compliance with comparable standards.


    • 2.6 Environmental protection / sustainability

As a company in the waste management and recycling industry, protecting the environment and climate as well as resource efficiency are of great importance to us.

We emphasize the avoidance or reduction of environmental impact by reducing energy and water consumption, emissions and waste.

We focus on the use of eco-efficient technologies and materials for environmental protection, economy and reusability.

We support sustainable management and environmentally conscious actions by our managers and employees.

Each employee has a responsibility to treat natural resources with care and to contribute to the protection of the environment and climate through his or her individual behavior.

Our sustainability reporting provides a comprehensive account of our social and environmental performance. This enables customers, employees, suppliers and other interested parties to gain a picture of the impact our company’s business activities have on society and the environment.


    • 2.7 Quality management

Our quality management system ensures that the products and services we develop and sell meet our customers’ requirements in every respect. In this context, every employee is responsible for the satisfaction of both external and internal customers.

Together with environmental management and occupational health and safety, quality management is regularly externally certified as part of our integrated management system in accordance with the standards of the European ISO standard.


3. behavior in the company


    • 3.1 The behavior among each other

We attach great importance to all employees maintaining a trusting, open and respectful relationship with each other. We actively counter discrimination, harassment and other derogatory behavior toward employees.


  • 3.2 Corporate values


We act in accordance with our values of respect, sharing and responsibility (“we are one”).

Treating each other with RESPECT

We meet each other with curiosity and interest and recognize our differences. In the encounter, we pay attention to manners and tone and assume a good intention. We recognize and value work results and performance (of others).

Remaining in EXCHANGE with each other

We actively network and take time to connect in person as well. In interaction, it is important for us to listen and ask questions. We ensure that knowledge and information are passed on and obtained in a targeted, timely and recipient-oriented manner. We are open to change, set impulses and develop ideas.


We honor agreements and commitments and implement our defined role. We move into a common direction and actively shape WITH through commitment and solution awareness. In active support and care, we are mindful of our own and others’ resources.

The values of respect, sharing and responsibility provide a framework and support for our interaction in equal measure. Behavior of colleagues and managers becomes more expectable and predictable. Everyone may and should make a contribution to promote the common togetherness.


    • 3.3 We support CHANGE

Through stronger networking, respectful and responsible interaction with each other and with the company’s resources and us as people, day-to-day business, projects and also conflicts can be tackled and decisions made more efficiently.

We improve our performance through our sense of responsibility for the whole, more straightforward exchanges and the diversity of our talent, who are fearless and have the courage to develop and try out new ideas.


    • 3.4 Avoidance of conflicts of interest

In our company, business decisions are made in accordance with the company’s interests.

We avoid situations where our personal or financial interests may put the company in conflict.

If conflict situations nevertheless arise, they must be resolved in compliance with the law and the company’s applicable guidelines.


    • 3.5 Treatment of property of the company

We handle and use the company’s property properly and carefully and protect it from loss, theft and misuse. We use Company tangible and intangible property solely for Company purposes and not for personal use unless specifically permitted.

Together with their superiors, our employees are responsible for ensuring that the nature and extent of business trips are always in proportion to the purpose of the trip. We always plan trips with time and cost considerations in mind and adhere to the company’s travel guidelines.

4. conduct of business


    • 4.1 Avoidance of corruption


Our company stands for technological competence, innovative strength, customer orientation and motivated employees who act responsibly. This is the basis of our high reputation and our sustainable economic success in the competitive environment.

Corruption threatens these guarantors of success and will not be tolerated. “Kickbacks” and otherwise unfairly influencing business decisions are not tolerated means for us to obtain a contract. We would rather go without a business than break the law.

Every employee in our company is called upon to play an active role in the successful prevention of corruption in his or her respective area of responsibility.


    • 4.2 Gifts, invitations and other benefits

Any acceptance or granting of advantages and benefits (gifts, invitations and other benefits) in direct factual or temporal connection with a business decision must be refrained from.

Even the appearance of unfair influence on business decisions must be avoided.

In order to achieve the highest possible level of security in this respect, our company has an “Anti-Corruption Guideline” which regulates, among other things, the possibility of accepting and granting business advantages and benefits (e.g. invitations, hospitality, events, etc.). We expect both our employees and our business partners to comply with the requirements set out in the Code.


    • 4.3 Donations and sponsoring

We see ourselves as an active member of society and are therefore involved in various ways. We make donations and other forms of social commitment without associating them with any expectations.

No donations may be made to political parties or party-affiliated foundations or institutions.

Sponsorship measures are only possible after prior legal review and taking into account appropriate performance and consideration as well as compliance with the company’s internal guidelines.


    • 4.4 Dealing with authorities and public offices

When dealing with authorities, we always act honestly, transparently and in accordance with applicable law.

In the case of inquiries from authorities or other departments that go beyond routine matters, we always inform the responsible manager and, if necessary, the responsible employee. also the legal department to coordinate the further procedure.


    • 4.5 Fair competition and antitrust law

We are committed to fair competition and compliance with related legal regulations.

Antitrust violations threaten our success and will not be tolerated.

The managers and employees of our company do not enter into any agreements with competitors, suppliers and other companies that may have an unauthorized effect on the competitive situation.

In case of doubt, the Legal Department shall be involved in the decision.


    • 4.6 Money laundering prevention

We comply with legal obligations to prevent money laundering and do not engage in money laundering activities. Every employee is requested to have unusual financial transactions, in particular those involving cash, which may give rise to suspicion of money laundering, checked by the Legal Department if there is any doubt.


    • 4.7 Protection of intellectual property

With regard to the protection of intellectual property, we comply with applicable laws. Intellectual property is protected by law (e.g. copyright, trademark or patent rights) or as a trade secret.

We adhere to this. However, the legal situation often depends on the specifics of the individual case. In case of doubt, we therefore involve the legal department in the evaluation.


    • 4.8 Financial integrity

Business transactions and business records of our company must be correct and proper. We record and document all business transactions, assets and liabilities in accordance with legal requirements.

Documents relevant to financial accounting must not be provided with deliberately false or misleading entries. Any form of balance sheet manipulation is prohibited.


5. confidentiality and communication


    • 5.1 Confidentiality

Business secrets of our company will be kept and treated strictly confidential.

Trade secrets include all documents that are not suitable or intended for external dissemination, such as contracts, draft contracts, planning data, financial data, personnel information, intellectual property and all other business considerations (confidential information).

Confidential information is only made available internally to employees who have business dealings with it.

Special protection mechanisms must be used for digital, confidential information.

When sending e-mails, we make sure that confidential texts and attachments are only sent to authorized persons.

We do not communicate confidential or sensitive company information on social networks.

Confidential information may only be disclosed to third parties if this is in the interest of the company and the disclosure does not violate legal or contractual regulations. Before disclosing such confidential information to third parties, the conclusion of a confidentiality agreement must be checked in every case. In cases of doubt, the advice of the Legal Department should be sought.


    • 5.2 Communication with the public

We respect the right to freedom of expression and the protection of personal rights and privacy.

Every employee should be aware that he or she can also be perceived as a part and representative of our company in his or her private life. All employees are therefore required to uphold the company’s reputation and standing through their conduct and appearance in public.


    • 5.3 Statements in marketing and advertising / reporting

We always make truthful statements in marketing and advertising about our services. Misrepresentation and misleading information can harm both our customers and our reputation. We attach importance to open and truthful reporting or communication on the company’s business transactions to investors, employees, customers, business partners, the public and government institutions.


    • 5.4 Data protection

When collecting, storing, processing or transmitting personal data (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth, etc.) from employees, customers or other third parties, we take the greatest possible care and comply with applicable laws and regulations. In case of doubt, the advice of the company’s data protection officer is sought.


    • 5.5 Transparency of information

We ensure that information is exchanged quickly and smoothly within the company. Information is shared accurately and completely with other authorized parties. Knowledge relevant to an activity is not unfairly withheld, distorted or selectively passed on.

  • 6. implementation and contact persons

We actively promote the communication of the rules underlying this Code of Conduct.

We encourage our employees to address issues and problems openly. Therefore, employees who express concerns in good faith about company operations will not be adversely affected.

Our managers have a special role model function and are the first point of contact for questions about understanding the regulations. As part of their management duties, they prevent unacceptable behavior or take appropriate measures to prevent violations of rules in their area of responsibility.

An external lawyer and ombudsman is available to employees and business partners at the following contact details for questions about this Code of Conduct or indications of violations of the law or guidelines.

All information is treated confidentially by the lawyer and ombudsman.


  • 7. decision support


If you are unsure whether a decision is in line with the company’s rules, the following questions may help you:

  • Is my decision legal and in line with the company’s rules?
  • Can I make the decision in the best interest of the company free from competing self-interest?
  • Can I reconcile the decision well with my own conscience?
  • Can I easily disclose the decision to the outside world?
  • Would the decision stand up to third-party review?
  • Will my decision preserve the company’s reputation?


If you can answer “yes” to all questions, your decision is probably defensible. If you have any doubts, please contact the above-mentioned persons.

Do you have questions about our services or about Interzero in general?Contact us!


You still have questions? We are here for you!
